Course curriculum
Session 1: The What and Why of Stereotypes
The What and Why of Stereotypes Plan and Instructions
The What and Why of Stereotypes Worksheet
The What and Why of Stereotypes Video
Session 2: Where are all the Black people on the TV screen?
Where are all the Black people on the TV screen? Plan and Instructions
Where are all the Black people on the TV screen? Worksheet
Session 3: The Stereotype Box
The Stereotype Box Plan and Instructions
The Stereotype Box Worksheet
Session 4: Stereotypes of Black Men, Women, and the Black Family
Stereotypes of Black Men, Women, and the Black Family Plan and Instructions
Stereotypes of Black Men ... PPT
Session 5:The Evolution of Black People in the Media
The Evolution of Black People in the Media Plan and Instructions
Session Five PPT
Session 6: Positive Portrayals in Books
Positive Portrayals in Books Plan and Instructions
Positive Portrayals in Books Worksheet
Session 7: Positive Portrayals on T.V
Positive Portrayals on T.V Plan and Instructions
Photo Journals Video
Photo Journals Worksheet
Session 8: Revolutionary Black Movies
Revolutionary Black Movies Plan and Instructions
Black Revolutionary Movies Video
Black Revolutionary Movies PPT
Session 9: More Than Media
More Than Media Plan and Instructions
More Than Media Video
More Than Media PPT
Session 10: Our Challenge Your Choice
Our Challenge Your Choice Plan and Instructions
Our Challenge Your Choice Worksheet