Course curriculum
Reconstructor Training Resources - Please complete BEFORE your course starts.
Training Tutorials
Orientation Lesson: Use this during the first 20 minutes of your first class BEFORE starting session one material.
Orientation Lesson Video: Watch First!
Orientation Lesson Plan
Orientation Lesson PPT
Session 1: What is culture?
What is culture? Plan and Instructions
What is culture? Independent Practice Template
Career Readiness Video
Session 2: Preserving Culture
Preserving Culture Plan and Instructions
Career Clusters Video
Discovering Clusters Game
Preserving Culture Independent Practice
Session 3: Griots
Griots Plan and Instructions
Griots Independent Practice Template
Griots Presentation
Session 4: What is folklore?
What is folklore? Plan and Instructions
What is folklore? Independent Practice Template
Career Clusters Presentation
Session 5: Intro To Fables
Intro To Fables Plan and Instructions
Intro to Fables Independent Template
Intro to Fables Presentation
Arts Cluster Word Scramble
Session 6: Beginning Middle and End
Beginning, Middle, and End Plan and Instructions
The Importance of Black Teachers in the Classroom Video
Beginning, Middle, and End Presentation
Session 7: How is money used?
How is money used? Plan and Instructions
How is money used? Independent Template
How is money used? Presentation
Session 8: Hospitality & Tourism
Hospitality and Tourism Plan and Instructions
Gr2-3_Unit 5 Session 58 PP.pptx
Session 9: IT Information Technology
IT Information Technology Plan and Instructions
Gr2-3_Unit 5 Session 59 PP.pptx
Intro to Coding Video
Session 10: Marketing, Sales, and Service
Session 10: Marketing, Sales & Service
Marketing, Sales, & Service Presentation